
 Make it happen Realize
your idea

Make your idea reality

Push your digital business idea with the Entrepreneur in Residence program of Up to Eleven:  up to 12 months of support & expertise, 40.000 euros, office space in Graz and more.   Application phase closed

The excellence program
for digital business ideas

The Entrepreneur in Residence program is our acceleration program for your digital business idea. Realize your idea, develop a prototype for your product and refine your business model in our 6-to-12-month-program. We support you – for a successful start into the startup life.

In our Company Builder in Graz, we support you with our extensive package of services so that you can fully focus on your project. We’re not taking any business shares from you while you are part of the program. Zero equity for us, maximum freedom for you – no strings attached!

Application phase closed

Your benefits as
Entrepreneur in Residence


Phase 1: Idea phase (4-8 weeks)

To get the chance to be part of our EIR program, you simply submit your business idea via our application form. If we find your idea very interesting, we invite you to a face-to-face-meeting to get to know each other over a cup of coffee. In our UT11 office, we can talk in detail about your innovative idea.

Your idea is going to be discussed in our Board Meeting (Board Decision) – our decision criteria are the potential market, the willingness of the target group to make payments, the scalability of your business model and – first and foremost – YOU as entrepreneur. When your idea meets those criteria, we can start with phase 2 of our program.
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In our Company Builder, the powerhouse for startups of Up to Eleven, we help you create new business models for challenging markets. The EIR programs is open for everyone interested in founding a startup with innovative digital solutions. In cooperation with you, we want to further develop your business idea within the EIR program and make all preparations to found a startup.

Phase 2: Prototyping phase (6-12 months)

In the prototype phase, we support you in bringing your idea to life. We contribute our expertise in the fields of product management, business modelling and potential analysis as well as other services in our Company Builder. During these 6 to 12 months, we want to expand your strengths and actively support your project. It’s important for us that you are fully committed to your project.
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In the prototyping phase, your project undergoes the process of proof-of-concept and first validation of your concept. This only works with people who put their heart and soul into their project. You are the driving force behind your business idea and leader of your founding project – we support you with our extensive package of services that are perfectly tailored to the requirements of your project. For future founders like you, we offer about 40.000 euros in this phase of the EIR program.
The following cash services are included:
  • Cost of living
  • Marketing
  • Internal staff cost
  • Further education (trainings, coachings)
    We are also committed to provide you these non-cash services:
  • Regular meetings with experts of Up to Eleven as sparring partners of your business idea
  • We invite you to fully benefit from our infrastructure in our UT11 Company Builder: own workplace, use of meeting rooms, phone boxes, WLAN, printer, kitchen & Hornig Coffee Area.
  • The realization of your business idea is accompanied by a individual plan for public grants
    (SFG, aws, AMS, FFG).
  • Depending on the project requirements and individual needs: Marketing & PR, (App) Development, SEM & Performance Marketing, Design services, Finance & HR

Phase 3: Your decision

After the successful completion of the prototyping phase, you have three choices:
  • You can choose to found a new startup with us and receive an investment proposal after being approved by the board members.
  • If we can’t support your project for longer, you can found a company by yourself and search for external investment.
  • If you come to the conclusion during the prototyping phase that you can’t take care of your project anymore, that’s okay. In our Entrepreneur in Residence program, we want to give you the chance to grow. During these 6 to 12 months, we don’t want any shares or equity.
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When you successfully completed phase 2, you receive a individual investment offer from Up to Eleven that you can accept or reject. With our shared resources, you can focus on taking the business forward and we will do the rest (tailored support in administrative and legal activities like finance, HR, online marketing and more).

Start off your
business idea!

Apply now for the
Entrepreneur in Residence
program in Graz!

Application phase closed

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